Working on an industrial site is often exceptionally physically demanding and over time can lead to physical side effects with lasting consequences. Here we look at three common problems faced by workers in hazardous and extreme environments, such as Construction, Oil & Gas and Utilities.
The effects of heat stress
Heat stress can lead to heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heart attack, and many other physical side effects. It can also damage profits through associated disability costs, lost productivity, penalties, and fines. Early detection is crucial to mitigate the risk of heat stress and avoid the repercussions. In the US alone, The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 11 workers are seriously injured or die from heat stress every day.
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
Hand-Arm Vibration (HAVS) is a significant health risk whenever powered hand tools are used for extended lengths of time. Although preventable, once the damage is done, it is permanent. Nearly two million people are at risk from this disabling condition, damage from which can include the inability to do fine work.
The effects of poor posture
Work-related lower-back pain and injuries are the most common musculoskeletal disorders caused by manual handling and poor posture. Approximately a quarter of European workers suffer from back pain. Poor posture results in reduced productivity, poor employee health, low morale, and higher costs for a business.
The solution
Many devices are on the market to help measure workers’ vital signs to keep them healthy and identify when they are at risk of heat stroke or other side effects. Wearables are also available to monitor vibration and guard against harmful levels to prevent permanent damage. In addition, small sensor devices can check a worker’s posture to ensure they avoid e.g. stooping, leading to back problems. The Eleksen Connected Worker platform integrates with all leading third-party sensors and can be a one stop solution to help businesses safeguard worker long term health and productivity. Find out more here or by contacting: or calling 01455 563 000.